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Ultimate Online Solopreneurs Masterclass

I have published the second edition of "Build An Online Business In 24 Hours" about a month ago. The second edition of the book has been received very well. I have got positive feedback from more than 2000 people in my network. The book has also become an Amazon.com Best Seller in four categories, just six days after its launch. I also have revised the free companion course which compliments the book.

I have got a lot of questions from people who are serious about starting an online business as a solopreneur, specially those who want to establish a side business next to their main occupation. Hence, apart from revising and updating the free companion course you have already registered for, I have decided to build an advanced course which I call it "Ultimate Online Solopreneurs Masterclass". This course is going to include four live sessions on video going through all the steps of ideating, evaluating, creating and operating an online business. 

As part of this course, you can also get a one-year free membership for "Online Solopreneurs Club" which is an online business club I have created for the readers of my book and online solopreneurs who want to learn about the latest strategies, business models, and tools from the experts and their peers in a high-quality environment.

But that is not it all!

Joining the Ultimate Online Solopreneurs Masterclass, you also get the chance to work on your business project and after two months, join the fifth live session​ which will be a Live Group Mentorship Session. Here you can ask all your questions about any of the areas which you have doubts or need for more assistance. You can also listen to the questions from others and the insights that I and my partners will provide.

You will also get an electronic copy of my book, "Build An Online Business In 24 Hours" for free.

But what is the opportunity I told you above?

As I have started designing this program and the Masterclass, I am looking for 10 really enthusiastic individuals who are really eager to learn and implement those learnings to a real online business they want to build. Those ten people will be getting all of the above for FREE. But in exchange, they need to commit to work with me in a duration of one year, in which I will build and improve this masterclass. I will release the content of this course to those people as they get ready and will work with them to improve and finalize the course. They will also be the first ten members of Online Solopreneurs Club.

But that is not all!

Those ten people will stay a member of Online Solopreneurs Club, lifetime, which means they can stay a member for free as long as the club will continue to exist. They will also get direct mentorship from me in building their online business for the duration of one year, for free.

But that is not all!

The other benefits will be only disclosed to the chosen applicants.

How can you apply?

There is a selection process. I do not list the whole selection criteria here. But few key considerations are the ones below:

First of all, I do this work as a side activity myself. Hence all the sessions will be during weekends (Saturdays, or Sundays) or during evening hours Central European Time.​ You need to be able to be present during the sessions and also be able to spend time to work on your project. I am looking for people serious about this mission.​

Second, I will not be working with businesses. This is not a business consulting or anything like that. This ​program is only meant as a training and coaching offering helping individuals who want to build online solopreneurship businesses as their side or main activity.

Third, For this pilot, I will not be working with people who already have either expertise or existing online businesses. You can have some basic knowledge. But if you are a digital marketer, a web developer, or anything like that, this is not for you. You get it.

Last, but not least, you should not have any problems not letting you work on your project. Apart from building the course, I want to ensure ten people have built and launched their online businesses within a year. Hence, full time study or a busy job not letting you spend time on your project during evenings and weekends, or anything like that can be a reason you may not want to apply.

If you are interested to be chosen as one of the 10 candidates for this program, register using the form below. I will inform you about the selection process and the outcome over coming weeks.

Note: This is an opportunity for ten people and I reserve all the rights on when and how to choose those people. Having been filling this form constitutes no rights whatsoever. If you are not among the chosen ten, don't worry, you can always apply for the program at a later stage. 

Online Solopreneurs Masterclass
Have you read my book (Build an online business in 24 hours)?*
What option describes your situation the best?*
Do you want to become a "Online Solopreneurs Club (OSC Plus)" member?*

© 2021 - Shahram G. Maralani